The SIX dominant themes, which have become the central focus of RISEAP’s agenda.
The motivation behind the six dominants themes is easy to understand:
- The need to make it more convenient for Muslims to perform their ibadah, whether it be during the course of their work (such as the performance of salah, or access to the availability of halal food, and entrusting reliable Muslim organizations to distribute zakatul maal on their behalf), or leiusure.
- The recognition of the need to discharge one’s social responsibility (fardhu kifayah) to ensure that Islamic education and da’wah addresses the social changes of our times, and a consciousness of a need to foster a system of leadership succession and renewal so that younger leaders are identified and the experiences of the older generation are passed down to newer generations.
- The need for a conscious effort to be made to foster inter-communal ties in the context of present-day plural societies, including collaboration with people of other religious traditions , especially in social causes.